What is the best VPS control panel?

There are two parameters you should be aware of when choosing the best control panel for your future VPS:

  • software compatibility
  • price

Of course, if you had any experiencce with a control panel already and are quite satisfied with it, you will use the same panel once more, most likely. What about your first VPS then?

First of all, make a list of software you are going to use - for example, if you plan to work with Visual Basic or ASP .NET your choice will be with Windows, obviously.

However, if you plan to use Linux/FreeBSD-compatible software, you have several options to choose from.

cPanel is a true monster of hosting industry, actively developed and compatible with almost everything. This panel will work best for resellers and other projects with active account management, yet you have to pay for the licence. 

DirectAdmin and ISPmanager control panels also require licensing, yet have slightly shorter list of management features and might better suit small to medium load projects, involving a small group of people operating websites/email service, etc. or for personal usage.

Free VPS control panels like Virtualmin and VestaCP have all basic functions yet provide less management options and have little developer's support. Thus said, these panels might not be really comfortable to use on high-load multi-user projects and would suit small-scale projects or personal usage best.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Support Team for assistance

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