How to add new cPanel account in WHM

Sometimes you need to add new cPanel user accounts to your WHM package (hosting and domain). This is done in such a way:

  1. Login to your WHM panel using your login details
  2. Choose the left menu and go to Account functions -> Create new account
  3. Fill in the required fields with new account details
  • Domain information - specify the main domain for that account, cPanel login details and email address to be associated with this account
  • Package - select from the list of preconfigured packages or create new package, specifying quotas
  • Settings - select cPanel theme (x3 recommended) and set the default language for the package
  • Reseller settings - select if this account will be a reseller, able to create new accounts
  • DNS settings - specify nameservers or select to use current Registrar's nameservers
  • Mail settings - select the way mailservers should handle email for this package. Tick "Automatically detect configuration" to stick to defaults

Press Create to finish account creation

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