IP address

The IP address is the address of your network equipment. It helps your computer connecting with other devices on your network and around the world. The IP address contains numbers and symbols, for example, 506.457.14.512.

How does it work?

All devices connected to the Internet have a unique address, which means there is a need for a huge number of IP addresses. The new version of IP - IPv6 - handles this. In general, there are 2 versions of IP: IPv4 and IPv6. IPv4 is an older version that can store no more than 4 billion addresses. However, the new version of IPv6 provides space for a trillion addresses to meet the needs of all Internet users and devices.

The IPv4 version generated addresses in a numeric value, which may conflict with other IP addresses. This is why IPv6 uses the hexadecimal method to provide unique IP addresses to billions of users around the world. The IPv6 IP address looks like this: 4ggr: 1925: 5656: 7: 600: t4tt: tc54: 98vt

Types of IP addresses

Type Features

Private IP address

A private IP address is the address of your device connected to your home or business network. The private addresses are not unique as there is a certain number of devices on your network.

Public IP address

The public IP address is the main IP address to which your home or work network is bound. This address connects you to the world and is unique for each user.

Static IP address

The IP addresses that you manually configure and bind to your device's network are called static. The static IP address does not change automatically.

Dynamic IP address

A dynamic IP address is generated automatically and assigns an IP to your network when you connect your router to the Internet.


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