Blog about hosting and servers
page 52

How to reinstall OS on your VPS?
Sep 11, 2017
How to reinstall OS on your VPS?

Virtual Personal Server (VPS) hosting is often regarded as an excellent alternative to other hosting options because:

it is not so expensive as a dedicated hosting;

  • but much more reliable and flexible than a shared hosting.

Also, installing or reinstalling an OS of your own choice in any time is one of the benefits, which VPS has compared to shared hosting.

Colocation or managed hosting
Sep 11, 2017
Colocation or managed hosting

If you have heard a term “colocation”, but don't know exactly what it is and what it has to do with using a server for your commercial needs, this article will give you some basic clues to start with.

Colocation can be interpreted as placing your own server in a rack along with other servers located in a facility with special conditions.

What kind of server does your project demand?
Sep 11, 2017
What kind of server does your project demand?

When starting a new project the most important task is to adequately measure its needs. Purchasing the best solution available does guarantee redundancy of resources but is often impossible due to limited budget. However, single-processor multi-core CPU low-end servers are quite versatile and often are able to provide enough resources for a start-up.

How to modify hosts file
Apr 29, 2016
How to modify hosts file

Let's start from the very beginning – what is hosts file at all? I'm sure there is no need to tell you in details what Internet Protocol addresses are (IP-addresses or IP's for short) and why do we need Domain Name System (DNS). Information on this subject is easy to find and you have already heard something about it. Let's only highlight the main points.

Dedicated server hosting and its pros and cons
Apr 29, 2016
Dedicated server hosting and its pros and cons

This topic is about dedicated server hosting and its pros and cons. To begin with, what are dedicated servers? Obviously, the dedicated server is a physical server, so pretty much a computer, which has CPU, hard drive, memory and other useful things. The particular kind of CPU, number of cores, memory and hard drive size completely depend on your specific needs.

KVM VPS SSD-powered now
Apr 28, 2016

SSDs are much faster than traditional hard drives in both transfer speed and latency terms. That is why HostZealot offers both SSD caching and SSD only VPS hosting. Find out more below. 

What is the best VPS OS?
Apr 1, 2016

Most of clients already know what is the best VPS OS for them.

Users usually select OS depending on their previous experience or on their project requirements. We provide a wide variety of OS, enabling each customer to choose the one fitting their needs and expectations most.

How to host your own website
Feb 6, 2016

Home computer vs leased server

Hosting a website has never been easier – that kind of commercials are all around, but let’s find out if it is really so.

Assuming that you have your web pages ready, what should be your first step to get your website running? First of all you need to place your site on a web server, so people from all over the world could reach it.

Launch of a new website
Feb 6, 2016
Launch of a new website

Hosting provider HostZealot pleased to announce the launch of a new website!

What is VPS and what can I do with it?
Apr 10, 2014

VPS is a Virtual Private Server, which means it is a solution emulating full-scale dedicated server, yet it costs significantly less. This is achieved by dividing a dedicated server into packages with the help of virtualization technology.