Wireshark 4.4.0 Release

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15:35, 29.08.2024

The release of the Wireshark 4.4.0 software network analyzer has recently occurred. Version 4.0.0 of the tool became available in the fall of 2022, the next version appeared in 2023, and version 4.2.6 became available in July. The first stable release of the analyzer came in 2008.

Wireshark 4.4.0 will fix major bugs that were found in previous versions. Besides, the new version of the analyzer will have updates to some protocols, support for automatic profile switching, and many other additions to the project code.

Several changes also involve I/O graphics, TCP flows, VoIP calls, and other dialogs and interfaces. The new version of the tool has support for building with zlib-ng, as well as support for Lua 5.3/5.4.

The new version of Wireshark will support the following protocols MatterBTP, AT RL, BIER, iRDMA-EDP, NMEA 0183, SAPRFC, ZMTP, SANE, RF4CE Profile, ZMTP, SAPRFC, RF4CE, rdpear, PLDM, MiWi P2P Star, and mac-nr-framed.

Updated IPv6 protocol support, added more address block properties, and added “show address details” by default.


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