cPanel is adjusting the price range in 2024

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12:31, 29.09.2023

cPanel increases the payment rate for all the existing services, accounts, and subscriptions starting from the first month of 2024.

Everything related to the pricing will be adjusted automatically, and there is no need for the client’s management of this process. The company just decided to notify the users beforehand in order to continue transparent cooperation with all their partners and clients.  

Such decisions periodically influence any kind of business or organization and show the growth of the company. In order to higher the value of the product, make innovations, and implement new approaches, the budget and spending should be also changed. That’s why such an adjustment is considered.

If you want to review the prices for 2024, you can download a doc from the official website. In the licensed guide, you will get a detailed description of the prices for all the available services.   

To deliver a better service for the clients, the company has made some modifications to the features and existing products such as:

  • Support for mode diverse OSs
  • Higher the security level
  • Improve server and site performance
  • Advanced monitoring of site and server

Except for the above-discussed improvements, cPanel also is designing a website builder. This will surely help users contact their new client base with a more advanced and functional site editor. This service will be offered for free. To get more information about all the newest innovations, you can review the official platform and check info about the 2-factor authentication, and Manage Team.

So, it is clear that clients will get more benefits from the resource, and in return, there is no need to make any payment changes. There is no need to change your license or interfere in the process. The only change that you will notice will be in the prices during the invoicing.     

In 2023, users won’t experience any changes in the system and they can easily make the needed downgrade or upgrade of the licenses. The prices will be changed only after January 1st.


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