antiX 23: A Debian 12-Powered Linux Distro Tailored for Aging Hardware

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09:42, 14.11.2023

Article Content

  • Introducing antiX 23: A Debian 12-Powered Linux Distro
  • A Linux Solution for Aging Hardware
  • What's New in antiX 23?
  • System Requirements
  • Installation and Setup
  • Downloading and Creating a Bootable USB
  • Installing antiX 23
  • <H3> Initial Configuration
  • Security and Privacy
  • Security Measures in antiX 23
  • Privacy-Focused Tools
  • Conclusion

Introducing antiX 23: A Debian 12-Powered Linux Distro

AntiX 23 is a lightweight distribution that will perfectly work with aging hardware as well as with modern ones. The peculiarity, of this version, is functioning on machines with limited processing power and RAM.

If compared with the previous 22nd version, there are a lot of fun features that we will deeply discuss in the article. Also, you will get helpful information about setting up and security characteristics of the newest antiX.

A Linux Solution for Aging Hardware

Of course, users of new PCs can easily use this distributive and enjoy all its benefits. However, antiX 23 was mainly designed for old devices.

This lightweight system can work flawlessly on the old computers. So, if you have an aging laptop that you haven’t used for years maybe it is the right time to test it. The chances that this old device will start working on this Debian-based system are very high.

What's New in antiX 23?

  • The distributive offers access to the renewed default environments that are IceWM and zzzFM. These desktops are lightweight and seamless as the system in general. Except for these default variants, you can also access other lightweight desktop environments that are available in the repositories (JWM or Fluxbox).
  • For customization purposes, users can apply a control center. Here you can perform any configuration while using the most convenient interface.
  • With the help of Dep Installer, the process of installing packages from the repositories is quick and easy.
  • Access to Magnus. This tool is now in the package and you won’t need to search for a better desktop screen magnifier.
  • Virtual keyboard makes the experience even more user-friendly and convenient.
  • Themes and wallpapers. This part doesn’t need any additional explanation, because themes and wallpapers are always fun to test.

System Requirements

As already mentioned, antiX was mainly designed for old machines, so it can function with minimum system requirements. It will smoothly function on most of the machines starting from 256 MB of RAM. The installer requirements are a minimum of 2.7 GB hard disk.    

Installation and Setup

In this paragraph, you will get a detailed description of the full installation process of this Linux distributive. If that sounds interesting, then dive into it.

Downloading and Creating a Bootable USB

Prior to downloading antiX, you should know that there are lots of versions. Select the one that is correlated with your requirements. For older PCs, there is 32 bits version, and for newer machines 64 bits is offered.

Also, you will need to choose from 2 init systems. You may select the default version (sysVinit) or runit.

Once you download a needed version, you will need to create a bootable USB. This process has been simplified because of Live USB Maker. This tool is already preinstalled with antiX so there won’t be any issues with this. After the download of the needed version, you will open the download folder, extract the pack, and run the needed file with the root access. With the USB maker there are only a couple of steps and click the next for the completion of the process. Here is how everything is working with antiX download and creation of bootable USB.  

Installing antiX 23

The Linux installer is really simple and there are no difficult steps in this process. First, you need to choose an installation disk and optionally you may choose encryption. It is easily done by the choice of the password. Press next and fill in the computer name and domain. After that specify your location and needed time zone.

The last thing is to create a user and add a pass. Then wait for the completion of the installation process. This process will averagely take 10 min, but of course, everything depends on your machine.

Once you click finish, the system will reboot automatically. You will fill in your login details and enter the system after that.   

<H3> Initial Configuration

A great benefit of antiX system is a massive collection of the soft and tools that you can use right away. Of course, if you have chosen the full version of this OS. You can enjoy the usage of light file managers such as MC, zzzFM, and others. For the developers, there is an option of using Geany for their coding.

To cover the basic needs of an average user, there are provided several helpful tools, such as:

  • User manager
  • Pack installer
  • Boot Repair
  • Network Assistant

As for the player of audio and video files, you can easily use asunder or winff. The GUI chat that is represented here is called hexchat. Documents’ scanning is done with simple-scan. Radio streaming will be accessible via streamtuner2. For your special notes, you can use cherrytree. As you see, there are lots of applications that will interest new users. So why not explore them?    

These are not all available software, if you want a detailed list, you would rather visit an official website for detailed information.

Security and Privacy

Like most Linux distros, this one was designed with the privacy and security measures that guarantee the safe usage of this OS. There are a couple of already preinstalled desktop tools and those once that are recommended for safety reasons.

With the increase in online frauds and just the usual data collection by many services, Linux users become more concerned about their virtual security and info leakage. That’s why regular updates are made for most Linux distros and their desktops.

For more anonymous usage, Linux clients can also try Tor network and VPN services. In such a combination, you will surely be protected by a couple of resources that are viral right now.

Security Measures in antiX 23

Security measures have always been the priority for all Linux distros and this one is not an exception. There are so many mechanisms that function without users’ interference making this factor even more beneficial. VPN technology is used for safety guarantees as well as anti-hacking features and tests are regularly done to prevent the risks of virtual attacks.

Some features are already in the system and are preinstalled while others need to be managed and regularly monitored on your desktop. Despite this, any new user can be sure it the privacy and security of the shared information without even using any additional tools.    

With antiX as with other Linux distros, there is built-in kernel security. Such security defenses as firewalls, for instance, use kernel filters. Also, there are such great options for system protection as UEFI Secure verification, Lockdown config option, AppArmor MAC security systems, and others. By enabling these helpful features and personalizing them to the extent to which you want to protect your system.

With the appliance of self-protection admin access, you can add as many layers of security as you would like.  

Privacy-Focused Tools

Among all the helpful tools, we would like to specify 1-to-1-voice. Such a tool is applied for encrypting virtual audio chatting. This creates such a level of protection when you can freely communicate without the fear of data leakage. This unique app is offered only for the antiX 23 users.

If you want to use tools that will guarantee privacy protection, why not to try VeraCrypt, Matadata, zuluCrypt, or other options for Linux users?

Also, there is Tor network that can be used for privacy reasons. It is a fully anonymous system that is not detected and has powerful encryption methods. Among the variability of tools that can be applied on Tor, users prefer IM or instant texting. So that online communication has reached that level when you have a fully secure channel for online interaction with others. Also, together with Tor, users can apply OnionShare – it is a fully secure file-sharing solution that is extremely popular right now.      


AntiX is a lightweight Linux distro so most users are probably waiting for low functionality and fewer choices for configuration. Luckily, it is not as with most lightweight desktops where you will need to spend lots of time on manual installation and further tiring configuration of the system. With antiX 23 you are getting a good environment right away and of course, there may be a necessity for the customization but you can fully work without any changes.

There are so many themes to choose from, different settings, and many options in general. Just by entering the official website and getting sixteen variants for download (such as Core, Base, and others) users see how individualized was the approach towards the design of this system.   

It is really hard to describe the full experience with antiX 23, you should personally download and try it. This fantastic OS will surprise you with the speed of installation and easiness of functionality. Why not use it and get your own understanding of whether it suits your requirements? The whole process will take only a couple of minutes and you can run your old PC that wasn’t functioning for several years. Your aging hardware can start living again!    


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