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How to Connect to Linux VPS
Jul 15, 2019
How to Connect to Linux VPS

If you have ordered the server via our website or other web hosting company you don't have access to the physical server and you have to login remotely to the server. So now we'll show how to login remotely to a Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS) using Secure Shell (SSH)

It is easy to gain directly access to the command line of your Linux VPS with SSH. This will allow you to execute Linux commands to control your server and manage files and directories and applications.

How to Secure VPS
Apr 24, 2019
How to Secure VPS

No matter which operating system is preinstalled on your virtual machine, you should understand that security of your server is a must. Below we have listed some pieces of advice on how to keep your VPS secure and protect it from malicious activity. While some tips can differ depending on the OS you are using, most general guides are applicable both for Windows and Unix-based virtual servers.

How to reinstall OS on your VPS?
Sep 11, 2017
How to reinstall OS on your VPS?

Virtual Personal Server (VPS) hosting is often regarded as an excellent alternative to other hosting options because:

it is not so expensive as a dedicated hosting;

  • but much more reliable and flexible than a shared hosting.

Also, installing or reinstalling an OS of your own choice in any time is one of the benefits, which VPS has compared to shared hosting.