Top 7 Whiteboard Applications Tailored for Linux Systems

Top 7 Whiteboard Applications Tailored for Linux Systems

Author: HostZealot Team
2 min.

We have tested most of the available whiteboard applications and found the best ones among this huge diversity. This information will be extremely beneficial because now you should not check anything, you can just review our article and choose the application that works better for you. All these whiteboard apps are tailored for Linux systems and are open-source tools.

If speaking generally about such apps, they are very popular among the instructors, because all the elements are easily manipulated, and there is a possibility to draw/write, using a mouse, or a sensitive stylus. That’s why it can be compared with an actual piece of paper but of an interactive nature.

Market offers lots of expensive applications with lots of unnecessary features and it may be difficult to find free whiteboards which are functional and work perfectly fine on Linux. Here we share only free options so anyone can test all of them and decide which works better without any additional investments.  

If you have been struggling with your search for an ideal solution, then this article is definitely for you. Let’s dive into this topic and discuss exclusive examples of whiteboard applications.

Top 7 Whiteboard Apps


This really easy and almost intuitive tool will be a perfect choice for drawing and it doesn’t overwhelm with a variety of features. That is a great application tailored for Linux systems that is mainly for students or those users who need basic options for taking notes.

When speaking about the functionality of this whiteboard, it offers texting, coloring, various shapes, brushes, and a couple of more things.

As for some additional information regarding OpenBoard, this app is available for the users of Ubuntu and it is designed based on Qt technology. The installation process is extremely simple, enter the official website and download this tool.

2. Xournal++

This whiteboard application is probably the most popular option that is available on the market. With the help of this tool, users can do absolutely everything like on a usual piece of paper (highlighting, drawing, writing, etc.). There are lots of additional features that make the process even more fun. For instance, you can use layers, add needed audio, use a custom pen, and much more. Also, an awesome thing is the support of handwriting.

This whiteboard app works perfectly fine with most tablets that are sensitive to pressure. Among a huge list of such devices, we can specify XP-Pen and Wacom. What is really beneficial is that tablets function ideally with minimal changes in settings. So, you don’t need to waste lots of time setting up the process.

This tool is accessible not only to Linux users, but to Windows, and macOS. Check the official website and there you will get access to packages for Arch, Fedora, and other systems as well.

3. Notelab   

This whiteboard is probably the oldest option with such a diversity of features. Due to its long history of functioning, it is really stable variant that suits users with different needs. To give you some characteristics of the application, let’s discuss a couple of features:

  • Users can delete, move, modify the color, and change the size of the elements in all the sections of note.
  • Awesome options for paper and pen customization.
  • Several paper formats such as a graph, collage rule, and broad rule.
  • When exporting additional images, you have a huge diversity of supported formats, some of them are BMP, SVG, JPG, and lots of others.
  • Build-in memory manager.
  • Basic drawing tools are available.

To install and run this app, you need JRE. There are lots of guides you can check for additional information on the topic.

4. Scrivano  

This is a relatively new application that was designed on the basis of Qt technology. The main orientation of this product was to create an easy tool for drawing and taking notes. As our experience of testing shows, the company has successfully reached its goal.

Except for the standard features, Scrivano users have access to laser-like features, the creation of personal stickers, and way more other fun things.

One more great option, that is offered by a limited number of applications is annotations. For a better visualization, users can import PDF files and annotate them with this whiteboard app. This is quite helpful for professional purposes and better presentation visibility.

5. Lorien

This is one more example of the digital notebook where users can create the needed picture with the huge diversity of offered tools. As with all of the discussed applications, this one is open-source and perfect for documentation, drawing, and notes on Linux.

If you don’t want to overwhelm the process with difficult apps, then Lorien is a great option for quick and easy brainstorming sessions with your team. All you need to do is to open the tool and start noting ideas, the process is so intuitive that even new users won’t feel any discomfort.

The standard features that are accessible are related to the erasing, brushing, and line tools. All the elements can be easily deleted and moved and that is quite convenient for the process simplification.

As for the installation of this whiteboard application, then it is not required. You can just download the app, extract the file, and run it without any necessity to go through the installation processes as with other apps. This is extremely beneficial in case you don’t have enough time for setting up and installing the new whiteboard.

6. Rnote   

One more whiteboard without which this list of top apps will be incomplete is Rnote. This is a fantastic choice in case you need handwritten notes. Except for the compatibility with tablets, users have also got access to vector images. Moreover, this is a perfect solution not only for documentation but also for annotating PDF files and images. Once you have completed the project on a whiteboard, you can also easily export this note in the needed format, or you may import whatever you need with the same simplicity.

Another great thing that you are getting is the support of Xournal files. We have already discussed this app for taking notes. So, you can test both whiteboards and add or remove something if there is a necessity.

As already clear, this whiteboard is suitable for all the Linux systems. In addition to this, it is perfectly designed for GNOME desktops.

The installation process of the application is connected with the package usage. The tool is available in Flatpak.

7. Rainbow Board

This open-source solution is based on React and Electron. Rainbow is worth being in this list of top applications for a variety of reasons so let’s discuss some of the most noticeable ones.  

This application can be compared with the standard board, but users can write/draw with a stylus or mouse. Due to such functionality, the app is ideal for a wide variety of users including lectures, students, and even artists.

Once the project is completed, you can save all the pages or you can even save individual pages. All these exports can be done in the needed format such as SVG, PNG, and original app format.

The customization of the whiteboard application is also great. For instance, in the settings, you can change the theme, default coloring, or change keyboard shortcuts. The major advantage of the tool is its simplicity in usage and customization.    

This whiteboard app is accessible for users via Snap, Flatpak, and also a deb installer.

Summing up

Here we shared a list of the most popular and functional whiteboard applications that are perfectly tailored for Linux systems. Of course, the majority of them work perfectly fine on other OSs and even on smartphones. After reviewing our top rate, you can choose the most suitable option from this list and utilize it for your personal or work-related needs. Our post-pandemic world is overwhelmed with a diversity of solutions and sometimes it can be really hard to find something specific for Linux or other operating systems. Hope this information was helpful and you will find a great app. 

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